7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Team Featured Image
Posted on May 23, 2022 by Justin Baker

Hey, it's Justin Baker with Focused Empowerment. And I wanted to come at you today with a few reasons why a lot of people or you may consider starting a team. Here's what I have written down. Number one, your income has plateaued. Number two, you're consistently missing sales and listing goals as far as the amount that you wanna be producing. Number three, you have no free time. You're running way too fast. You're burning the candle at both ends. Number four, there are cracks in your systems or services. Number five, you have all your eggs in one basket, say only one lead source. Number six, you're averaging way too many hours per day, nine hours or more per day. Number seven, you're becoming tired and uninspired. All of these reasons are things you consider before you start a team. And some of the reasons why you should start a team, and having a coach is extremely beneficial to starting a team on the right foot with the right foundation. So reach out. Free consultation link is below.SHOW LESS