Making changes is never easy. But with advice and encouragement from someone who has lived through the issues that you are facing then change becomes easier and far more rewarding. To help achieve success in the real estate industry it is advantageous to have guidance from an experienced real estate coach.
The first question you need to ask yourself is, “am I coachable?”
A person who is coachable has certain characteristics and a sincere effort to make behavioral changes to improve results in sales, leadership, and personal life.
Coaching involves a deep sea dive into your personality and a hefty dose of introspection.
Personality and introspection
Personality involves a way of feeling, thinking, behaving and embraces moods, attitudes and opinions. These are inherent and also acquired over time to form an individual who is unique. The coach will recognize that uniqueness and work with it.
Introspection is taking a close look at your inner self to evaluate internal thoughts and feelings. It is the ability to step aside from ego and the need to always be right in every situation. In the process of introspection use language that is positive and empowering.
In looking inward decide how successful and happy you want to be.
Introspection is easier with the help of an experienced real estate coach guiding you toward personal achievement and professional success.
The art of being coachable
The coach is dedicated to helping people to remove the barriers that are hindering their performance and add new concepts for improvement. And these depend upon how coachable you are.
You must be open to accepting advice from others and be capable of taking instruction for improving your professional and personal performances. You must accept that making changes is necessary even if those changes are inconvenient or seemingly uncomfortable to yourself.
If a coach points out a mistake that you often make or a faulty process that you use it is best to ignore your resentment and adapt. It is human nature to be defensive when someone honestly critiques your work or methods but you need to get passed that. The coach’s goal is to make you better and more successful so give up the defensiveness, open your mind, and decide to make changes.
The coach has your best interests at heart. Always remember that when weighing what the coach is telling you.
Those not ready for the coaching experience
It happens that some people are simply not ready to accept the advice and constructive criticism that a coach provides, even though the coach is trying hard to help. Consider these not-involved behaviors and judge for yourself if you have any of these fatal flaws that guarantee a failing coach experience and a lackluster career.
- You have a negative attitude. This trait will not work well for you in sales.
- You are defensive. This is a stumbling block that prevents you from seeing alternatives.
- You have a history of not asking others for their feedback regarding your concepts.
- You resist change. Oh gee. This is a career killer. Change is the only constant in history and successful people embrace change.
- You talk but do not listen. A one-sided approach will not benefit you.
- You have never before asked for someone’s help. Independent maybe but you are missing so much.
- You think that constructive criticism of your ideas or work is simply wrongheaded. That is a freeway to self-delusion and ultimate failure.
- Challenges are avoided. Challenges can be tough but accepting them and finding solutions is a recipe for growth and success.
- You consider yourself as a victim. This is just plain wrong. We all have disappointments but feeling sorry for yourself is not beneficial.
- You tend to think that the ideas of other people are wrong. This strong-headed approach will not win you any friends and failing to consider solutions you did not think of is backward thinking.
- Failing to recognize the positive contributions of others. This approach will not serve you in career or in life.
The coaching process and results
Honest communicating with the coach is the key to being successfully coached. The results of open communication between coach and client produces an array of accomplishments.
In a coaching relationship you will receive unbiased constructive criticism and a fresh perspective on the issues that need to be assessed and improved. The coach will hold you accountable as you strive to achieve your attainable goals.
You will be coached on the structure and organization of your business and identify what you are not doing, what you are doing incorrectly, and what you are doing well.
For your part, allow the coach to help you, listen to the advice provided, ask questions, avoid making excuses, and leave your ego at the front door.
The coach will help you learn how to change your behavior to achieve your goals.
But do not pretend that you agree with the coach just to limit the criticism because that will do nothing but hinder the process.
In the end you will have a heightened degree of self-confidence to tackle short and long term goals while improving your real estate success and your personal happiness in life.
The great football coach Vince Lombardi said it best. “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” So go ahead and get to work!
Free Consultation to empower yourself
My coaching will help you achieve your success in a shorter amount of time with fewer headaches. Begin your road to success by scheduling a complimentary consultation with real estate coach Justin M. Baker. I can assess what you are doing right and wrong and ways to improve your time management on your road to 1 million. Leave the normal you behind and become the coachable you. Call, email, other contact information. Get started on your future right now.
About Real Estate Coach Justin M. Baker
Justin M. Baker has 21 years of expertise in the real estate industry with much of it coaching and managing real estate agents, teams and brokerages. Most of his emphases focuses on helping teams and brokerages to eliminate unprofitable concepts and increase profitability. Working with teams and brokerages his proven tactics have enabled companies to drive their revenue by up to 50 percent and more in less than one year. His concepts enable brokers to work smarter and earn more while providing more personal freedom for life outside of the job.
His ideas will enable you to work more efficiently and improve earnings while allowing you to have the freedom to enjoy life away from the job.foc