Great By Choice: Fanatical Discipline Featured Image
Posted on Jul 22, 2022 by Justin Baker

Hey, recently, I picked up the book and started rereading "Great by Choice," written by Jim Collins. Within this book, he studies companies and finds the companies that did 10 times better than their competition or counterparts in the rate of return in the stock market over a given period of time. And when he studied these, he found some key components that they did better and more successfully. And I wanna share these with you because I think they are very applicable to your business in real estate or your team. So one of the three key components is fanatical discipline or an extreme consistency of action that's relentless and unbending focus. Underneath that, he broke it down into this 20-mile march or a cadence of activity that these businesses all operated under or that you can look at operating as. The first one being you must have a lower boundary of performance markable for acceptable achievement, and it must be challenging, but not impossible. Number two, must have an upper boundary of constraints, not too high and not too low. Number three, must be tailored to the enterprise. There's no one size fits all. So it must be customizable to you and your business. Number four, it's largely within your control in the company or the leader's control and there's absolutely no luck involved. Number five, the timeline must be just right, not too long and not too short. And number six, must be designed and self-imposed by the enterprise. So they come up with this 20-mile march. And then number seven, must be achieved with great consistency. So I hope you can use those key components to the 20-mile march and understand fanatical discipline so it helps you and your real estate business.