How to Manage Your Time for Million Dollar Success Featured Image
Posted on Apr 03, 2022 by Justin Baker

The one thing we all have is time. But not all of us are using time to our best advantage. I can coach you on how to best use the 1,440 minutes that comprise a 24-hour day and the 480 minutes in an eight-hour work day.

To begin, ask yourself if I only had 120 minutes to “work” each day what would I do?

Show me your schedule and I can predict your income. I can tell you what got you to where you are at and what will not get you to where you need and want to be.

Tell me what your vision is of a perfect day and put it in writing for future reference. Establish a baseline for that perfect day. What time do you arrive at the office? How many appointments are made? How many closings? How many contracts are signed? How many people do you meet with? What time do you go home and who are you with at home? At the end of your perfect day how do you feel, tired, energized?

A perfect day begins with a powerful morning routine and people who earn $1 million a year follow this routine, which can have a sling shot effect catapulting you to fulfill your vision of a perfect day.

Launch an Early Morning Routine

It is important to get an early morning start, beginning from the East Coast at 5:30 a.m. and moving west.

Start your morning by contacting other team members and friends all serving as affirmation buddies to fire up each other, get excited about the prospects, put a smile on your face. Use the phone, text, email, and Zoom. Give yourself affirmations, too. Affirmations fill the subconscious mind with positive thoughts. Some affirmation examples: I will allow myself to evolve. You deserve success. I am learning along the way. You have everything you need to be happy and successful. I hold wisdom beyond knowledge.

Every morning select three of your most important goals for the day.
Identify five of your intentions to accomplish during the day, such as today I intend to reach out to an agent on my team.
Select 10 things for which you are grateful and say or think to yourself, “today I am grateful for __.”
Exercise! Spend at least 30 minutes in the morning to get your blood and mind pumping.
Plug into education regarding startups, business issues, self-improvement, achieving high performance. If you do not continue educating yourself that is the fastest way to lose your edge, and catching up is not an efficient use of time.
Take 15 minutes for aggressive role playing to overcome client objections.
Spend 10 minutes a morning educating yourself on a topic of your interest, such as spending the time to read a few pages of a book during breakfast.
Nutrition, be sure to have a healthy breakfast, because it is the most important meal of the day and will put you in a peak performance gear.

HBUT: Highest and Best Use of Time

Deciding how to use your time to your best advantage is key to managing time well to reach that million dollar goal. Do what matters the most in a 24-hour time frame. We have limited time, energy and resources so choose priorities instead of, well, doing just stuff.

Stuff is doing the things that are not productive. It is busy work, even looking busy, these things do not move the needle toward you professional goals. Life is about choices so you must choose to change bad habits into productive efforts.

Analyze your time. Keep track of you days and weeks to determine if you are using your time effectively and what changes are necessary to save time or make better use of it. Time traps abound. Analyze why they are getting in your way. Rethink about what – or who -- is getting you derailed. Drama is derailing so take positive steps to eliminate it. Paper work can derail you and waste time so delegate it. That will save a lot of time for you to concentrate on what matters most.

Procrastinating in taking an action or a decision is a huge time waster. We procrastinate when the goal is abstract, when we are overwhelmed, when we are feeling anxiety or depression, when our motivation is missing in action, and when we fear we will fail, among other reasons. We perform this time-wasting behavior in many considerations but procrastination can be overcome by our motivation and self-control.

How much time are you wasting in minutes, in hours? Judge why this time is wasted on unimportant things and eliminate the causes. Time management is the avenue to getting things that you need to do done to make time for the things you want to do.

Always schedule your personal time first because family and relationships are important for your wellbeing and their happiness.

Free Consultation to empower yourself

My coaching will help you achieve your success in a shorter amount of time with less headaches. Begin your road to success by scheduling a complimentary consultation with real estate coach Justin M. Baker. I can assess what you are doing right and wrong and ways to improve your time management on your road to $1 million. Leave the normal you behind and become the Super You. Call, email, other contact information. Get started on your future right now.

About Real Estate Coach Justin M. Baker

Justin M. Baker has 21 years of expertise in the real estate industry with much of it coaching, and managing real estate agents, teams and brokerages. Most of his emphasis focuses on helping teams and brokerages to eliminate unprofitable concepts and increase profitability. Working with teams and brokerages, his proven tactics have enabled companies to drive their revenue by up to 50 percent and more in less than one year. His concepts enable you to work smarter and earn more while providing more personal freedom for life outside of the job.