Life's Assessment: Health, Wealth and Relationships Featured Image
Posted on Apr 10, 2022 by Justin Baker

Hey, today I was thinking, so many of us go about life and we are just in almost a zombie mode. We're just getting through life, doing the best we can with what we have, without doing a life assessment and thinking about our health, our wealth, and our relationships. So if we're thinking about our health and wanting to improve upon our health, we can think of, really, in two categories, mentally and physically. Mentally meaning we're staying engaged on a daily basis. We're being challenged. We also can work on our spirituality, our faith, and our meditation. And then physically, what is our diet? What does our exercise routine look like? How can we get better at that? And then as far as your wealth, your finances, your income, your career, your savings, your tax strategy. And finally, relationships. Who are you spending the most time with? Who do you love? Your friends, your family. What are you doing for fun and recreation? So really there's those three life assessment areas that you can look at and think about and improve upon. Your health, your wealth, and your relationships.