Hey, Justin once again. If you like what you're seeing, please share it, also hit the Like button below. So today I just wanted to talk about how the market has shifted with interest rates rising all of the sudden, listings are staying on the market a little bit longer, and listing prices are coming down and there's price reductions in the market. So what does this offer for you? It offers an amazing opportunity to showcase your skills at listing and being a marketing agent, as well as recruiting, retaining, and training agents to become better because chances are, for a majority of you you haven't even been through a market that's shifted like this. So keep your mindset positive, double down on your lead generation activities, stay extremely knowledgeable, don't be the fear broker, and don't also be the pie in the sky broker. But now more than ever, your buyers and sellers are going to need you to navigate this current real estate market. I appreciate you watching once again. Please like and share, Justin Baker, have a great day.
Posted on Jun 20, 2022 by Justin Baker