Hey, if you're in the real estate space, you know a lot about teams. You know a lot about individual agents that are elite agents, and elite agents who are just agents that get into the business, this industry, they all want to grow a team. There are some specific foundational rules that you should follow when wanting to grow a team. Too many agents get into the the industry and they want to grow a team prematurely. Number one, you need to set aside three to four months' worth of expenses. Because when you grow a team, your focus, your eyes are off the ball of production, and your eyes and focus go to your agents and growing a team. Number two, you need to have a very good foundation of leads and your SOI, CRM, your systems and processes need to be dialed in before you can bring on somebody else. Number three, I would say that you need to have good training, coaching, mentoring. You need to know exactly who you're going after, who your avatar is, and how you're gonna go about them, what your value proposition is, and why are you different from somebody else? Why would they be on your team? So those are a few quick ideas and issues or some of the foundational pieces that you need to have in order to start a real estate team.
Posted on Mar 31, 2022 by Justin Baker